LTO-8 Tape Next-Generation Linear Tape-Open Standard


Some suppliers are already talking about the production of LTO-8. Although LTO-7 is not yet implemented, LTO-8 tape drives have not yet been mass-produced. Some people say that LTO-8 caters to niche markets for big companies and industrial clouds. In contrast, since the price of LTO-7 is around $100 per 6TB (15TB compression), LTO-7 may be the last iteration for small and medium-sized customers.


LTO-8 is not a niche market

LTO-8 tape drive capacity increases, raw data volume is 12.8 TB, the compression rate is 32 TB, data throughput is 472 Mbps local data volume and 1,180 Mbps compressed data throughput, should get “8 unsupported h8” ability. (This is my memes, but you can use it if you want.) As for the “niche” thing, I must disagree.


So LTO-8 has a 32TB capacity and seems to be exactly what doctors ordered for companies most likely to use tape technology in large quantities: cloud and data-intensive vertical industries such as medical, surveillance, research laboratories, and oil and gas stations. These companies are reusing tapes for old secondary storage roles.

The special role of tape

I know you have heard that the tape does not meet the needs of the activity file. I recently wrote a column about this topic for Storage magazine. The answer is “Maybe, maybe not.” But the truth is that a large amount of data we produce today is not what big data analytics are. The cloud wants to sell “a huge storage warehouse” to accommodate all the rarely accessed and never modified data that consumers create using their megapixel cell phone camera. The tape is now almost the technology of choice for all these services.


Getting large amounts of data from the real world into the cloud requires expensive wires and cables. The tape is an important mechanism for data transmission without a WAN or metropolitan area network.

Eight is a special thing

The truth was told that the eight bits in LTO-8 were nicknames. In hard science, there are many applications for eight, from the method used to describe particles in particle physics to the second magic number in nuclear physics. Eight is the number of vertices of the cube in the geometry. It is the first number mathematically neither prime nor half. It is the number of oxygen atoms, and in biology, it is part of the definition of the Arachnida and Octopoda life classes. Of course, in computer science, it is the basis of the numbering system used to describe the digital information itself – 8 bits to 1 byte.

Tape Innovations as Durable and Emerging Challenges

The new LTO Generation 8 doubles the cartridge capacity from the previous 7th generation LTO, enabling customers to store up to 30 TB* per cartridge, providing more cost-effective long-term data retention. In addition, the LTO-8 system’s tape drive can transmit data at speeds of up to 900 MB* per second, or over 3.24 terabytes of data per hour per drive, allowing faster transfer of large files. LTO-8 also includes a new format feature that allows customers to increase the capacity of the latest LTO Gen 7 cartridge up to 50% to store 22.5 TB* of corporate data.

If you are in a high-volume data industry such as video production and entertainment, LTO-8 will be the most cost-effective way to archive your data. Learn more about LTO technology and want to buy this tape at the best price… visit

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